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Bloom Music Collective

Live music events for undiscovered artists in SoCal!

Not your typical concert experience.

Discover incredible original artists in a community-driven, fourth-wall-breaking atmosphere.

Hey, we're Bloom. There's a few things about the music industry we wanna change.

 1. Clean entertainment doesn't have to be lame.

Entertainment is oversaturated with vulgarity and darkness that a majority of the world isn't into. We can have fun in a way that doesn't compromise our morals- but we've been led to believe that positive entertainment is niche and boring.

2. The current algorithmic, number-obsessed business model of the music industry is failing both artists and labels.


Record labels have bought into the lie that the likability of an artist's music is proportionate to their numbers, and as a result, we are missing out on thousands of incredibly talented artists with music and messages that can change the world. We can’t keep punishing artists for their lack of resources on how to make it in an industry that changes on a daily basis.

3. Social media is a robot designed to push the addictive, not the talented. If we're only relying on social media to find new music, we're missing out on talented artists who simply don't know how to make content.  

4. Furthermore- the money gap. 

The sound and lighting guys charge their fee. The producers have a buy-in price. The managers won't help until it's paid for. Everyone gets their cut- but chances are, the artists are up there playing for free exposure. Just because artists would die to play their music doesn't mean they shouldn't be paid their fair share.  

It shouldn't be this hard just to play your originals.


Bloom is on a mission to change that. 

We're a series of concerts where the only prerequisites to perform are an alignment of vision and talent. Artists aren't backup music, they're the main event, in an intimate venue where audiences can genuinely connect with their stories and music. Want to see what we're up to?

© 2020 por Isabella Erardi. Creado con orgullo con

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